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After Hours Data Yes, 4:00 – 8:00 pm EST Yes, 4:00 – 8:00 pm EST 15 Minutes Delay
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Charts on Screen 20 10 1
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Customizable Screeners Pre-built Only
Customizable Multi-Strategy Windows Pre-built Only
Customizable Full Quote Windows (Single Stock Windows) Pre-built Only
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Customizable Chart Indicators
500+ Data Points (Alerts & Filters)
20+ Curated Trading Templates (Channel Bar)
Multi-Monitor Layouts
Scan & Screener Library
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Formula Editor In-App In-App
Chart Types Candlestick PiP, Line, Bar, Area, OHLC, HLC Candlestick PiP, Line, Bar, Area, OHLC, HLC Candlestick PiP
Chart Drawing Tools (Trendlines, Text, Fibs etc.)
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Market Explorer (Curated Screeners)
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RBI/GBI Windows
Exchanges/Instruments NYSE, NYSE Arca, NASDAQ, AMEX, Pink Sheets, Penny Stocks, OTCQB, BATS, ETFs, SPACs, Warrants, TSX (limited) NYSE, NYSE Arca, NASDAQ, AMEX, Pink Sheets, Penny Stocks, OTCQB, BATS, ETFs, SPACs, Warrants, TSX (limited) US Stocks
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Introducing the new Automated Anchored VWAP

We've partnered up with Alphatrends to bring you a new channel subscription that automates finding the best setups using Anchored VWAP. This subscription will give you real-time chart setups and alerts, including the “AVWAP pinch” or “Pullback to AVWAP” daily alerts. Intraday time frames will be available soon.

More Info Note: the Alphatrends AVWAP add-on requires an active Standard or Premium subscription to use.


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