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Dark Colombian Supremo - Roasted Coffee

*Packaging may vary

Dark Colombian Supremo

Roasted Coffee


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OU Kosher Certified


Looking for a bolder, stronger bodied coffee with a classic Colombian flavor? Our Dark Colombian Supremo coffee combines the well-balanced body and acidity levels of Colombian Supremo and amplifies the honey and cherry flavor notes with a dark, smoky roast level.

While "Supremo" simply refers to a Colombian grading system and not a specific location - the best, most flavorful Colombian coffees come from a varied group of growing regions spread out along Colombia's vast, mountainous countryside. With a warm climate and high elevations, coffee crops thrive year-round making Colombia the second largest coffee producing country in the world.

Dark Colombian Supremo - Roasted Coffee

Roast Level

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light dark

It’s at this roast level that you’ll notice more oil. Medium-dark roasting brings more depth to your brew with notes of baked goods, cacao, and caramelized fruits.

Dark Colombian Supremo - Roasted Coffee

Roast Body

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Bold Body

Bold-bodied coffees have a heavier, thicker mouthfeel, which is often accompanied by stone fruit and chocolate notes.

Cupping Notes

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A coffee’s process describes how the seed (aka the coffee bean) is separated from the coffee cherry. Popular methods include washed, dry, and honey, but there are many other processes that put special emphasis on different aspects of these methods.

The washing process

Washing Process

The drying process

Drying Process

Sun-dried on patios, parabolic dryers
The varietal type

Coffee Varietal

Caturra, Castillo, Variedad Colombia, Tipica


Harvest and export times are based off when a particular coffee will be at its peak quality. Cherries picked at the start of the harvest season tend to be underdeveloped, and those picked at the end are often overdeveloped, so producers aim for that sweet spot in the middle.


May - Sept


July - May
A coffee farmer in Colombia hauling a bag.


There’s no doubt that the coffee beans of Colombia are synonymous with the traditional flavor of coffee. Most cafés keep Colombian brewing day and night. Roasters love its versatility, and it blends with other coffees exceptionally well! People tend to think it’s the coffee that tastes most like how one might expect...

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